La scala 1:24 è molto considerata anche da vari produttori americani, tra cui Action, Greenlight, Franklin Mint, Danbury Mint, M2 Machines, Motormax, Revell USA, Racing Champions e molti altri.
In particolare Action, Racing Champions, Johnny Lightning e Revell USA nel loro catalogo 1:24 includono molte riproduzioni di veicoli da corsa, come Nascar, Dragster e Funny Car, purtroppo non sempre facili da reperire al di fuori del territorio americano, ecco di seguito alcuni modellini molto interessanti.

The 1:24 scale is also considered by many American manifacturer, including Action, Greenlight, Franklin Mint, Danbury Mint, M2 Machines, Motormax, Revell USA, Racing Champions and many more.
In particular, Action, Racing Champions, Johnny Lightning and Revell USA include in their 1:24 catalog many replicas of racing vehicles, such as Nascar, Dragster and Funny Car, unfortunately this kind of car are not always easy to find outside of American territory, below some very interesting models.
Dragster American International (Action)

Source: Collection of Andrea Pellascio
Dodge Mobil 1 (Action)

Source: Collection of Andrea Pellascio
Pontiac Pennzoil (Racing Champions)

Source: Collection of Andrea Pellascio
Chevrolet Pick-Up Nascar (Revell USA)

Source: Collection of Andrea Pellascio
Chevrolet MonteCarlo (Revell USA)

Source: Collection of Andrea Pellascio
Pontiac Grand Prix (Revell USA)

Source: Collection of Andrea Pellascio
Dodge RT CAT (Racing Champions)

Source: Collection of Andrea Pellascio
Ford Taurus John Deere (Racing Champions)

Source: Collection of Andrea Pellascio
Oldsmobile Rocket 88 (Ertl)

Source: Collection of Andrea Pellascio
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