Da poco, è uscita una interessante collezione francese di modellini da edicola,
si tratta della Auto Vintage Deluxe Collection di Hachette.
Le riproduzioni sono ben fatte e realistiche, ma non dispongono di aperture.

Recently, in France, it came out an interesting collection of models from newsstands,
it's the Auto Vintage Deluxe Collection by Hachette.
The reproductions are well done and realistic, but do not have openings parts.
01 Citroen DS 23 Pallas

Recently, in France, it came out an interesting collection of models from newsstands,
it's the Auto Vintage Deluxe Collection by Hachette.
The reproductions are well done and realistic, but do not have openings parts.
01 Citroen DS 23 Pallas
Source: Collection of Andrea Pellascio
04 Simca Aronde P60
Source: Collection of Andrea Pellascio
05 Peugeot 404 Berline
Source: Collection of Andrea Pellascio

Di seguito la lista delle 20 uscite, in arancione i modellini già in vendita:

Below there is a list of the 20 releases, in orange the models already on sale:
01 Citroen DS 23 Pallas
02 Renault 8 Gordini
03 Citroen 2CV Charleston
04 Simca Aronde P60
05 Peugeot 404 Berline
06 Fiat Nuova 500D
07 Renault 4L Parisienne
08 Phanard Dyna Z
09 VW Combi T1
10 Citroen Ami 6
11 Simca Chambord
12 Peugeot 205 GTI
13 Citroen Type H
14 Renault 14
15 Porsche 911S
16 Morris Minor 1000 Traveller
17 Renault Dauphine
18 Simca 1000 Rallye 2
19 Peugeot 204 Coupé
20 Matra Simca Bagheera
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